Reason #25 to support my crowdfunding campaign:
Because your support makes possible songs like this one:
Reason #25 to support my crowdfunding campaign:
Because your support makes possible songs like this one:
Reason #27 to support my crowdfunding campaign*:
*(If you don’t know this song, then you’re welcome. )
Reason #28 to support my crowdfunding campaign:
Because in four short weeks, you won’t have to hear about this from me ANY MORE. : )
My dear friend and gifted artist Greta Larson has this to say…
Because when you help others to reach their dreams,
you realize others will help you reach yours!
Reason #31 to support my crowfunding campaign:
because you were once (or will be) 31. And then this will totally make sense to you:
Words, words words.
Love ’em! Totally delicious. Words are food, words are friends.
But I’ve met my share of Number huggers, who feel the same way about digits as I do about words, and I’ve learned a thing or two.
For instance: 32 is a power of 2. As of last night we had 32 contributors—and lookit! today we are at reason 32.
For me, in addition to a cool coincidence, there is an apt metaphor in there.
Because when this campaign started, we were 2; me, and my dear friend Greta (who shot the campaign video), hoping that what we launched would gain traction.
And then you all jumped in, all 32* of you, and suddenly what was small is great. We are two weeks in (another 2!) and more than halfway to the goal.
*33 as of not long ago!
Reason #33 to support my crowdfunding campaign:
See? Clearly it worked for this cat.