Monthly Archives: March 2015

it’s official: the CDs are in!

THE CDS ARE HERE! WHOO HOOO! Soon they will be in the hands of DJs all across the country (and a few overseas, too)! And then they will be in crowdfunding supporter’s hands. And then on April 21 they will … Continue reading

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Tough week

Wednesday I missed posting because I was at a funeral. Sometimes I’m at funerals to sing professionally, and don’t know the deceased, and sometimes I’m there personally, and not singing. On the occasions it’s both, it’s tough. Crying and singing … Continue reading

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This Wednesday’s post is in celebration of my album art going to press today. Hooray! Huzzah! Hurrah! It’s getting printed, boys and girls! Let’s dance with abandon!

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When life gives you lemons, get a pint of whiskey, a glass, and a muddler. Mix, pour, drink. Repeat. Then figure out who the heck you’re going to get to help solve the problem. Then when that person also bails, go to … Continue reading

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