So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Beautiful People,

I have so appreciated your support reading this blog. You know how much I love to write! I truly love writing. But of course as you know I also LOVE to sing! And play piano! And guitar! And write songs! And write classical choral pieces too, even, and also sing them!

And socialize, and cook, and work out, and then there’s dishes and laundry… and therein lies the problem. Now that the album is released and doing well on the radio, it’s time to get it out there in the world by touring and playing lots of shows — which also requires lots of hours at a desk requesting to play shows.

I keep asking for more than 24 hours a day, but apparently that’s not one of the options offered with the Basic Human plan I signed up for.

So the blog is going to be no more. I’ve left it here so you can enjoy posts from the past. They’re pretty well sorted by category, so you can root around that way, or just scroll down in date order.

If you’d like to connect with me on a more regular basis, please find me any of these places:

Twitter: @ElaineRom
Instagram: @elaineromanelli

Happy Trails to you all. May your beds always be soft, your hearts warm, and may there always be the promise of a fourth book in your trilogy.



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