5 days. 17 shows. 1, 300 miles from home.
For one blissfully odd week, I got to roll out of bed and just play music, all day long. No booking, no chores, no indecision, not even much driving. Just playing.
It was so cool!
I finished by 5pm every eve, hit the gym, took myself out for dinner, and watched TV. It was a glimpse into having a 9-to-5 schedule in an alternate universe. I have never been so content before to rise repeatedly at 7:30am.
I leave you with some quick snapshots of my environs for the week…
- Don’t make ’em like this any more.
- A grain elevator (the ‘castle of the prairie’)
- (Look at the car on the left, for scale.)
- Cool head, huh?
- Before a show.