When I’m not thinking about my career, I am often thinking about food.
A recent exchange…
ME: You know what might be the ‘new black’?
Concerned Friend: Orange is the new black. Everyone knows that.
ME: No: strawberry frosting! YUMMMM!
CF: Every time I hear about you talk about frosting, I shake my head.
ME: I do love frosting. It’s a deep, abiding love. We must have some cosmic connection from a previous life. Perhaps I used to be butter.
CF: I don’t believe you used to be butter.
ME: Can you believe anyone would believe ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter’ is butter?
CF: I can.
ME: Heresy!
CF: Hearsay. People believe if they want to believe.
ME: I believe I could have been butter. Or batter. But butter is better.
CF: Oh brother.
ME: He’s our short stop*. : )
*for the uninitiated…